Wednesday, July 1, 2009

CNN Now Stands for Celebrity News Network

What little credibility CNN had with me when it came to what is considered news finally evaporated this past week. Forget the pullout of American troops in Iraq or that the first major offensive involving thousands of U.S. Marines descending upon the Helmand River valley in Afghanistan this morning passes as news no. That takes a back seat to the latest 'news' involving the death of pop superstar Michael Jackson. I was just as shocked and saddened at the passing of one this country's premiere entertainers as the next person but wow. I mean seriously when you have CNN's 120-year-old Larry King going on night after night turning himself into the extreme definition of a fluff piece then you know it's overkill folks. Of course we all know King is a huge fan and can probably name you his Top Ten favorite Michael Jackson videos (mine is still "Black or White"as that song rocks and is an awesome video). I'm sure he even knows all the dance moves from Thriller too. It's eerie in a way that the age differential between Michael Jackson and the children he hung out with is exactly the same age difference that separates Larry King and Michael Jackson. Hmmmmm.Who's fondling who? Anderson Cooper (of AC360) had a supposed nurse on the other day who said that Michael had begged her for some drugs or a shot and then after he let her spout her story he said something to the effect like "While we can't confirm her story yet...." Too late Cooper as she already got her story across before you should have confirmed who and what her story was BEFORE you and CNN allowed her to speak over the airwaves. I guess TMZ, MTV, VH-1, E! Entertainment News, Inside Edition, Entertainment Tonight, BET, Showbiz Express or a host of other entertainment oriented programs isn't enough to cover the latest on the life and times of Michael Jackson no. CNN (and to a lesser extent FOX News) are dedicating their seasoned journalists to cover what is fiction or not. Okay, we get it. And guess what? I'm sure Larry King, Campbell Brown, Anderson Cooper and all of the seasoned reporters will be there at his funeral. You think CNN was in Jackson's will or something. Can't you have a CNN Twitter Network or a CNN Blog channel where all of those with 'opinions' can tweet their tears so the rest of us can just watch some real news for a change? I was getting more accuracy from the phone cells out of Iran than I'm getting from CNN in my own country. Even Barack Obama is getting less coverage. What would Walter Cronkite say? And what about CNN's David Gergen? I bet off-the-record he is sick of all this. He (and senior legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin) are the only real individuals worth watching on your network and David is nowhere to be seen. I'm actually reading online newspapers now where I can get a choice of what I want to find out what's important instead of having to wait for television news to get to something that matters. Health Care? California being broke and writing IOUs instead of checks? Nah what's more important is whether or not Diana Ross will get custody of Michael Jackson's kids! Ooh how can I sleep? Stay tuned....

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