Saturday, August 30, 2008

Oh Baby What a Time to be a Political Humorist!

After McCain picked his VP candidate the other day all I could do is hope that she has a very thick skin. C'mon you KNOW McCain picked her to try and collect Hillary's supporters. She even said so when she was introduced yesterday by McCain. If anything I gotta believe that the exact opposite is going to happen. VP does not stand for 'Vaginally Prepared" meaning that all 18 million of Hillary's supporters are instantly going to follow her just because she has one. How patronizing is that? Last night political comedians Jon Stewart of The Daily Show and Bill Maher from Real Time were already commenting on what we already know. If the Republicans can accuse Obama for lack of experience then what is their message having Sarah Palin as his VP choice tell you? I realize that most people are voting for the top guy and not their second choice but when you just turned 72 and your vice president is literally a few ticks away from the president yeah, it does matter. Sure she was voted the most popular governor in Alaska. Well, when you figure that the male population far exceeds the female populous by 7 to 1 that makes about as much sense as voting what kind of business would guys rather see opening up in prison: Burger King or The Moonlite Bunny Ranch? Already salivating at the mouth are political comics Will Durst, Bill Maher, Jon Stweart, Dennis Miller and Lewis Black. I mean, I'm not a political comic but now I find myself wanting to comment on what is going on and will too! As good friend and comic Will Durst would tell me, "You can't make this stuff up." (editorial cartoons by Daryl Cagle)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well Howie it's only time to be a political satirist when the target is Repbulican? How about going after that drunk Biden with the same enthusiasm you went after Palin and Wasilla this morning? I guess you're making fun of small town provicial people like people in Wasilla? Or even like Meyers?